Rich Zeoli

CIA Contractors Colluded with Biden Campaign



The Rich Zeoli Show- Hour 3: 5:05pm- Could Black voters in Milwaukee determine the 2024 presidential election? Brakkton Booker of Politico writes: “Polls suggest the president is trailing his 2020 performance in [Milwaukee] and surrounding county. In Wisconsin’s April Democratic primary, his performance within the city limits lagged well behind the rest of the state. There’s one big reason why: Black voters in Milwaukee. An influential bloc that can determine if the state remains blue or flips this fall, these voters have serious and lingering doubts about Biden and whether he’s delivered on his promises to them. There’s no danger that Donald Trump will carry this historically Democratic city in November. But there is a considerable risk that an anemic showing in Milwaukee could cost Biden this critical swing state—and possibly the election.” You can read the full article here: 5:20pm- Democrats aren’t winni