Ask Noah Show

Ask Noah Show 395



This week we talk about network documentation and alerts! What makes a good alert? When should you tap a human on the shoulder, and what should be left to the backlog? -- During The Show -- 01:50 Music Production On Linux - William MuseScore ( LMMS ( Audacity ( Write in if you do music on Linux! 05:45 DIY Smart Plug - Charlie Instructables ( TH3D Studio ( Enough electricity it could kill you 09:15 Thoughts from the AMA - Steve S "good enough" "Class of tool" vs "disposable" CLECs moving away from copper Convert to VOIP and ATA Cell companies not held to the same standard Right tool for the right job 17:30 - theendbeta ( Looks cool Lots of apps Haven't used it 22:00 News Wire Perl 5.40 - Perl Doc ( Tor Browser 13.0.16 - Tor Pro