Mark Levin Audio Rewind

Mark Levin Audio Rewind - 6/17/24



On Monday’s Mark Levin Show, President Biden is desperate to hold on to power and will do anything to keep it. Biden's use of immigration for votes is contemptible. There's a reason he is doing this now. He and his regime are looking at any and every way to use the law, budget, policy, executive orders, and the rest to buy votes. If people coming across the border illegally were Republicans, Democrats would have built a wall 50 feet wide, with a moat. Biden will also announce a deportation protection program and work permits for spouses of U.S. citizens. Notice the timing of this - 5 months before an election. This is why, more than ever, we need to turn out en masse and vote! America will never be the same because you can’t have a massive influx without assimilation into our culture. Immigration without assimilation is suicide. Afterward, the Biden Administration puts out a fact sheet to address “conflict-related sexual violence.” They mention Iraq, Haiti, and Sudan, but they don’t mention the brutal sexual