Straight Talk With Wayne

Unleash Financial Miracles: Prophetic Decrees Day 3



Welcome to another powerful episode of Straight Talk with Wayne, your daily source of prophetic revelation, prayer, and essential Christian news. As part of, Pastor Wayne invites you to listen, enjoy, and share these anointed messages of hope and glory. In today's episode, Pastor Wayne delves into day three of his book, Spoken, How to Unleash the Prophetic Decrees for Your Financial Miracle. He emphasizes the importance of remembering God's promise of financial abundance, often clouded by misconceptions and lies within the body of Christ. Drawing from Deuteronomy 8:18, he encourages listeners to honor the Lord, as it is He who gives us the ability to produce wealth. Pastor Wayne shares a powerful prophetic decree for financial miracles and encourages listeners to speak it over their lives. He also invites everyone to pick up his book, available on Amazon in various formats, and to subscribe and share the podcast. Walk in financial freedom and embrace the divine providence of God's will. Am