Straight Talk With Wayne

Freedom from Debt: A Prophetic Declaration



Welcome to another powerful episode of Straight Talk with Wayne, your daily source of prophetic revelation, prayer, and Christian news. As part of, Pastor Wayne shares anointed messages of hope and glory. In this episode, Pastor Wayne continues with day five from the book Spoken, focusing on freedom from debt. He reads a passage and releases a prophetic declaration, inviting listeners to say "amen" as a sign of agreement. This episode emphasizes the spiritual and practical steps to achieve financial freedom. Pastor Wayne decrees the supernatural relief of debt, invoking the resources of heaven. He encourages believers to speak forth their freedom from financial bondage and to trust in God's provision. By standing in agreement and sharing this message, listeners can shift the spiritual atmosphere and experience liberation from debt. Join us as we declare victory over financial burdens and embrace the blessings of God. For more prophetic insights and personal ministry, visit thesecondadam.c