Ashley And Brad Show

Ashley and Brad Show - ABS 2024-6-6



news birthdays/events we all seem to be impatient when we're in a line...but what if YOU are the reason for the hold up? word of the day news are our standards too high or does good service just not exist? lazy (but possibly genius) hacks game: slogan game news things we want...but when we get it...we aren't prepared gas or charcoal...the great debate game: actors who sing news activities adults are 'embarassed' to learn game: 5 second rule goodbye/fun facts....national fish n chips day. it commemorates this fundamental meal of the working class throughout the United Kingdom and beyond. In the late 1800s, trawl fishing became a major part of the economic industry in the North Sea. This resulted in the growing availability of fresh fish in areas further inland in the British Isles, especially within the cities. Anyone who understands economics knows that ‘easily available’ means ‘cheaper to get your hands on’ was cheap, very filling and highly caloric food which created an excellent foundation for a worki