Book Marketing Mentors

How to Unlock the Corporate Market to Boost Your Book Sales - BM425



Ever wonder how you can supercharge your book sales by tapping into the corporate world? Tune in this week for an interview with Brenda Bence, a certified global executive leadership coach. With over 100,000 books sold, Brenda shares her innovative strategies and insights for selling books to the C-suite.Key takeaways include:Bulk Sales and Customization: Sell books in bulk and customize for companies to maximize impact.Consistent Marketing and Unique Approaches: Use weekly marketing and integrate your book into services to attract high-level clients.Diverse Revenue Streams: Boost income with coaching, speaking, training, and online courses from your book.High-Level Endorsements and Launches: Get top endorsements and host big launches to attract corporate clients.Customer Relationship Management: Provide excellent service, collect feedback, and enhance client relationships.Don't miss this episode if you want to boost your book marketing and make a mark in corporate circles.Here's how to connect with