Ambient Rushton Podcast

Upstream (Ambient Rushton Podcast 120)



For this week's Disquiet Junto, the project was to make ambient recordings based on source audio from the artist Chris Kallmyer. He recorded the music using bells and bowls he constructed from clay sourced on the banks of the Mississippi River in St. Louis. The goal was to make recordings that can also be played in the San Francisco gallery where Kallmyer’s work is currently on display as part of the exhibit “Listening Is a Luxury.” Among Kallmyer’s sonic objects made from the St. Louis clay are ceramic bowls. When making a piece of music from the source audio I was asked do the following: (A) use no additional source audio, (B) aim for a sound that is just as gentle as the source audio, (C) consider using stereo effects to reflect the circular shape of the bowls. So I made this piece, and I think it fits in with the instructions for the Disquiet Junto.  I made a 3 minute version and published it on Soundcloud, but that was extracted from the 22 minute version heard here.