Ambient Rushton Podcast

Walking Around The Iowa City Jazz Festival 2017 (Ambient Rushton Podcast 121)



In 2015, I walked around downtown Iowa City, where I live, to capture sounds on the perimeter of the Iowa City Jazz Festival, which occurs every 4th of July weekend.  Those sounds were edited and compiled into Ambient Rushton Podcast 80: In 2017 I'm back in downtown Iowa City during the Jazz Festival, although in this recording I'm closer to the action, but not too close.  Throughout most of this recording you can hear parts of the act playing at the time, although in most situations the dominant audio are crowd sounds, people walking and eating, and the general hustle and bustle of nightlife on nearby streets. The picture used here is one I took at the Iowa City Jazz Festival in 2000, when my wife and I attended, but it was in a different location (and a much smaller event back then) and the headliner was Bill "the world's slowest guitarist" Frisell.  He was excellent. If you like what I do, and want to support, p