Ambient Rushton Podcast

Cerebral Night (Ambient Rushton Podcast 123)



This podcast is a two track preview of the new release by Ambient Matyk, a long-running side group I've had with bass guitarist Jon Harnish and other guests. The new album is called Cerebral Night and it was recorded on August 12th of 2017 in Cedar Rapids, Iowa. Following the Cerebral Night tracks, I play 5 older tracks by Ambient Matyk, going as far back as 2005. All were recorded live and completely improvised. While "Cerebral Night" is on all streaming services and digital download retailers, I have it at Bandcamp for "name your own price", so if you want to download it for free, you can. You can also download all the other Ambient Matyk releases in the same manner, except for the one of them where I had to make it at least a dollar. If you like what I do, and want to support, please consider making a donation via Paypal: Follow Mark Rushton at Spotify: Buy Mark Rushton downloads