Ambient Rushton Podcast

Encryption Key (Ambient Rushton Podcast 136)



This podcast contains a 27 minute track by my alter ego "Chillout Preservation Collective". It's kind of a dub ambient thing, and rather minimal in nature. Why do I release tracks under pseudonyms? Well, first because it's easy to do in this modern digital era. If I've got something I've made that I think is outside the realm of what I normally do, then I might as release it on it's own. I'll tell a small number of people following along about it, whether it be via podcast or my email newsletter, and blog post. It doesn't have to be a big deal. Second, why not? When I started getting into music in the 80s, I was always fascinated by artists who released things under various names. * Web site and Mailing list: Follow me at Spotify: Buy downloads at Bandcamp: Buy compact discs: Patreon: Paypal donations: