John Clay Wolfe Show

#455 John Clay Wolfe Show 06.01.24



Summertime baby, and the livin' is easy at W6 Ranch! This week's program is kind of an impromptu get-together, like any fine family gathering--or an unexpected keg party...hop on board as the Wolfe Pack catches up with old friends and new: We don't know how Johnny C. does it, but it's true: while hanging around with his steer-roping friends, he happened upon a random bystander who just happened to be world-famous news correspondent Lara Logan, who decided to stop by for a visit. We also get our weekly talk with the always entertaining Tiger King himself, Joe Exotic, who weighs in on Donny Trump's latest excursion into the American justice system, life in federal prison, and his plan to be a free man, sooner rather than later! We've also got our own JD Ryan, who covers the news with boldness and panache (including a very informative and hilarious interview with a basset hound named Priscilla)...the Colonel, Mike Turley, keeps us caught up on the latest sports scores, schedules, predictions and "hot" takes, Bob