Ashley And Brad Show

Ashley and Brad Show - ABS 2024-5-27



news birthdays/events grill experts way to cook your burger on the grill! word of the day news if your employer handed you the company credit card and said "you have1 limits"...what 1 store would you go to? game: quiz game: feud news summer fruits...fresh or frozen? do you have early onset grumpiness? if you pay for something everyday (coffee, food etc) do you always get the same thing or will you try to dupe it at home? news game: calendar trivia who taught you how to drive?  isn't summer the best time to learn goodbye/fun facts....National Cellophane Tape of the most practical things ever.  a man named Richard Gurley Drew invented the invisible tape in 1930. His career started at the 3M company in 1920 in St. Paul, Minnesota where he developed a masking tape for the automotive industry in 1925. He then created his new tape from cellulose...Originally designed to seal Cellophane packages sold in groceries and bakeries. Cellophane tape was revealed to the public and its market