Ashley And Brad Show

Ashley and Brad Show - ABS 2024-5-29



news birthdays/events are you robot-phobic? word of the day news what do you think about 2nd breakfast? what's the perfect outdoor temperature for you? game: general trivia news have you ever written in to a company about a product they discontinued? outrageous fitness trends...that might not be so bad game: songs that feature a scream news 9 minutes to less anxiety (and it's free) game: who are these singing actors goodbye/fun facts....They come in various colors, are made of different materials, and are so much fun to wear; celebrate National Flip Flop Day While the earliest recorded sandals come from Egypt, all cultures during Ancient times had their own variant of this footwear. These olden versions were made from a variety of materials – papyrus leaves, palm leaves, leather, wood, rice straw. The design of the modern-day sandal is inspired by the Japanese ‘zori.’ The Encyclopedia of History of Japanese Manners and Customs states Japanese children used these flip flop-type shoes when first learning to wal