Ashley And Brad Show

Ashley and Brad Show - ABS 2024-5-30



news birthdays/events if you did something and got away with you think you could keep it secret? word of the day news game: guess 3 words despite what generation you grew up in...this time in life is the best!! we always ask our kids if they have to go to the bathroom before car trips/running errands...shouldn't we do the same (ashley's story) news game: one hit wonders from the 1990's best tv game show hosts...ever do you keep 'back up presents'? news game: outburst what's your concert ticket price cutoff? goodbye/fun facts....National E-Bike Day. They’ve become increasingly popular in recent years but e-bikes have been around since 1895. The first U.S. patent for an e-bike was granted in 1895 to Ogden Bolton Jr., who invented a battery-powered electric bicycle with a hub motor mounted near the rear wheel. Almost a hundred years later, the Pedal Electric Cycle, now known as pedal-assist, was integrated into e-bikes. This changed the way e-bikes were designed and allowed riders to activate th