The Essential Oil Revolution | Essential Oils, Aromatherapy, And Healthy Living By Samantha Lee Wright |powered By Revolution

416: Trifecta Care for Alzheimer’s Disease: Aromatherapy, Music and Memory, ® and HEARTS Process© with Debrah Nadler, BS, MBA, CCA, RA, Alzheimer’s Training & Certification



What You Will Learn: An introduction to Debrah’s background and Trifecta care (0 min) Some facts on Alzheimer’s disease (1.50 min) Debrah’s bio (2.30 min) How Debrah got started with aromatherapy and how her mother’s diagnosis changed her career path (5 min) How Debrah found the three specific modalities she uses to assist and holistically care for those with Alzheimer’s disease (8.30 min) What other relaxation techniques Debrah incorporates with the HEARTs Process and aromatherapy to help those with Alzheimer’s and their families (12.30 min) The customized, hand-made sensory tools that Debrah offers as part of her program (13 min) The importance of aromatherapy for helping those with Alzheimer’s and the cautions in this patient population (15.30 min) Which form (chemotype) of rosemary oil would not be good for someone who is on medications and has a history of seizures (16.20 min) Why being aware of the stages of Alzheimer’s is important to know for appropriate care (18 min) The current number of