Gun Freedom Radio

GunFreedomRadio EP444 The Dust Never Settles with Stacey Goodman – Originally Aired 5.27.24



Our guest today is Stacey Goodman. Stacey is the author of "The Dust Never Settles", which is her true, first-hand account of serving as an emergency responder at ground zero in New York on 9/11. 1) Thank you for your service. Please tell us your story. I served with the Suffolk County Police Department Long Island, NY for 21 years retiring at the rank of Detective. I had 6 years on when I was activated by a Federal Agency, D.M.O.R.T. ( Disaster Mortuary Operational Response Team) which at the time was a volunteer agency under Health & Human Services mostly comprised of medical professionals. My job was as a logistics specialist to assist the Medical Examiner and I since I was sworn in as a temporary federal agent, my responsibility became that of performing preliminary IDs of all remains brought in to the temporary morgue before being transferred to the NYC Medical Examiner’s Office. I worked 12-hour shifts 7 days a week for 23 days on the pile. I suffer some health issues related to my service at Ground Z