Music For The Masses With Jo Boyce

011 Communion and Community ~ BBC Sunday Service Replay [PODCAST]



The episode features a replay of a BBC Sunday Service that was originally broadcast on BBC local radio stations across the UK during the pandemic restrictions back in September 2020. Led by Jo Boyce, the service focuses of the ever-relevant theme of Communion and Community. As we celebrate the birthday of the Church at Pentecost, and the great Solemnity of Corpus Christi, this episode is a timely a reminder of who we are called to be as a truly Eucharistic people. Listen now: Episode Highlights In this episode we hear the prayers and readings that were remotely recorded by members of Jo Boyce's home parish community. We reflect on the significance of the Eucharist within the Catholic tradition, and Jo Boyce share a moving reflection on what it meant to receive the Eucharist again for the first time after 9 weeks of lock-down. And, we hear some wonderful music too. Songs & Resources Dear Lord and Father of Mankind is from Age to Age I & II - Box Set (CD) (available on iTunes) (