Gun Freedom Radio

GunFreedomRadio EP441 Our Ratty-fied Bill of Rights with Alan Myers – Originally Aired 5.17.24



Our guest today is Alan Myers. Alan Myers is a San Diego CPA and forensic accountant. For over a decade, he has dedicated himself to researching, studying and analyzing the Federal Reserve System, banking and the national debt. 1) Federal ownership of land. Some call it a Federal land grab - what is it and why should citizens be concerned about it? States are the parents, they created the Constitution, ratified the Constitution and it is the Constitution which brought into existence the federal government, the child. The child is to do only what it has been told to do or can do, nothing more. Article I, Section 8, Clause 17 of the U.S. Constitution Total land in the U.S. is 2,271,343,360 acres, of which, federal government owns 615,311,602 acres or 27% of total land in the U.S. The 12 States with the most federal government land owned are, in order, Nevada (80%), Utah (63%), Idaho (61.9%), Alaska (60.9%), Oregon (52%), Wyoming (46.7%), California (45.4%), Arizona (38.6%), Colorado (36.2%), New Mexico (31