Malcolm Cox

S2 Ep2189: Teaching Tip 363 | “Plain Speaking - landing your plane on time” | Malcolm Cox



Teaching Tip 363 | “Plain Speaking - landing your plane on time” | Malcolm Cox  Introduction Here is your 2-minute tip based on the book, “Plain speaking: How to preach and teach effectively" by David Bercot.  “Your message may be nearly perfect in every other respect, but if you preach longer than you are supposed to, you can quickly lose the good will of your listeners.” 95 Bercot offers us four steps for us to take to ensure we land on time. Fit the topic to the time. How much time is allocated to your lesson? Will the topic fit that time? If your lesson is 10  minutes long, do not try to explain deep and complex passages of Scripture or Biblical issues.  Whittle to fit.  When you have your material selected ruthlessly cut out anything that is not absolutely necessary to the topic. You can always come back to the text or the subject another time and fill in anything you missed first time around.   Keep track as you go.  Have a clock or time where you can see it. The best place is on the wa