Agency Intelligence

Millionaire Insurance Producer: Your Weak Efforts Are Hurting My Ears - (



Have you ever gone through a season of prospecting where you weren't actually prospecting? You were doing -- I don't, know, whatever -- but just not a lot of reaching out to prospects? Yes, I think we all have experienced that from time to time. Today I had a coaching call with a new producer who has been in the business for about 8 months ... and I had to light him up! He's being lazy, reactive, and not doing the work that Producers are supposed to do. We all go through seasons like that. If you're in that season right now then GET OUT OF THERE RIGHT NOW!!! Enough is enough. Your weak efforts are hurting my ears. In fact, my own weak efforts hurt ever more. We (you and me both!) can do better. So let's. Also, be sure to check out and sign-up for a training I'm going to be given about how to choose your most profitable Micro-Niche. I'm also going to be giving people my "go to" Script that almost sets more new business appointments than anything else. Again, go to: Key