Off Track With Hinch And Rossi

11: May, The 500, and Real Life Astronauts Call from Space



The boys are back on Chateau d'Bus, but also in OUTER SPACE! Brought to you by the latest result in machine intelligence, CastBox 9000 (0:00 - 4:45). What May Means to Me with Alexander Rossi (4:45 - 10:25) and What May Means to Me with James Hinchcliffe, specifically bump day (10:26 - 21:35). The guys will be conducting a LIVE podcast recording tomorrow (May 25th) Indy 500 at the Indycar Nation garages from 3:30 pm to 5:00 pm. It's free and open to the public. Tweet us at @askofftrack for details (21:36 - 22:20). Off track with Hinch and Rossi to the International Space Station, do you copy! Our guests this week are Andrew Feustel and Scott Tingle, astronaut's who are LITERALLY FLOATING IN SPACE inside the International Space Station during this interview. You can hear the glee in Hinch and Rossi's voices (22:21 - 31:00). Outro and credits - tune in next week (31:01 - 32:51).+++Off Track with Hinch and Rossi is brought to you by CastBox. Download the app today at us on Twitter at @askofftra