Ashley And Brad Show

Ashley and Brad Show - ABS 2024-5-16



news birthdays/events game: movie sound effects word of the day news what award (made up or real) should you win a work? feel good story of the day game: songs with whistles/whistling news mom goes viral for throwing her kids toy off the deck  are we 'dumbing things down' or 'being more inclusive'? game: Movies trivia news are you excited or annoyed by text messages? do you know super smart people who are really dumb at certain things goodbye/fun facts....National Love A Tree Day...amazingly trees actually didn’t exist for the first 90% of Earth’s history? Before trees, our Earth had fungi that grew 26 feet tall and resembled trees. Trees have so many benefits — they provide us with lumber, food, nuts, oxygen to breathe, home for wildlife, and having a mature tree’s shade near your house can actually help to reduce your home cooling bill by approximately 20% in the summer. go for a walk and see how many trees you can can use a tree identifier app like plantnet and leafsnap