Ashley And Brad Show

Ashley and Brad Show - ABS 2024-5-20



news birthdays/events scientists have developed a 'sarcasm detector'... word of the day news are you an "everything's fine" person..or do you really tell people how you're feeling? game: quiz game: feud news what are your favorite "american food/drink combos" when you see a loose you stop and try to help? brick and mortar seems to be going away...what's your suggestion for shopping news game: calendar trivia best amusement parks in the u.s. goodbye/fun facts....Quiche Lorraine Day. This dish has humble beginnings in Medieval Europe specifically in the rural Lorraine region of France. While it's considered a French dish, it developed during a time when the Lorraine Region was under German rule. Even the word Quiche comes from the German word kuchen, meaning cake. The original Quiche Lorraine was made with an open pie using a bottom crust with a filling of custard and smoked bacon. A cast-iron skillet was used to cook the original Quiche.  true quiche lorraine is made with eggs, heavy cream, bacon,