Iron Sharpens Iron

Can You Have Non-Christian Friends? (EP. 222)



Ryan and Tony are back for Week 2 of The Friend Series as we talk about balancing Christian and non-Christian friendships. This episode is NOT about getting rid of your friends who are don't know or love Jesus. It's about evaluating your friendships and ultimately using these relationships to help you and others grow closer to God. Jesus was known for hanging out with sinners, but his inner circle was made up of men who were striving to be godly. The closest voices in your life should be men who point you closer to Jesus. Take inventory of your friends. Who are your closest friends? Are they bringing you closer to Jesus? Who are some men in your life who you can point closer to Jesus? Men, relationships don't grow by accident. Friendships get harder as we get older with family, kids, work, etc. It takes intentionality to sustain close  friendships. Think about some friendships in your life that need attention and act on that today. We would love to help equip you for this journey, reach out to us today and l