Police Off The Cuff

The Week in Crime with Mayo & Mayso



Mark & Angel start off this episode with a few minutes of banter amongst themselves and the with their ever growing chat members. It was a smart move to "lighten" things up early because the first crime they discuss is horrid. Nina Rothschild a Scientist that works for the NYC Health Department was heading home from work when she was attacked from behind by man wielding a hammer. She was bludgeoned several times in the head causing a skull fracture. Ms. Rothschild is recovering and her assailant has been captured by the NYPD. If that story doesn't "scare the crap" out of (pardon the pun) then imagine its 5:15 pm and you're waiting on the train to take you into NYC from the Bronx and an unknown make attacks you with a plastic bag containing feces and smears it all over your face. These types of horrible crimes are happening everyday in our NYC Subway system. Mark & Angel discuss NYC's Mayor Eric Adams response and how effective it can be, now that the "Cat is out of the Bag",Mark & Angel also discu