Healthy Living With Angela Busby - Your Health, Nutrition And Wellness Resource

243: MINI SERIES Pt 3: Loose Weight & Balance Blood Sugar: with Gymnema



Whether you're looking at loosing weight, preventing diabetes or worried about your heart health... an underlying critical factor in ALL of these is how well your body can manage it's blood glucose and insulin levels. In this 5 part Mini Series will will look at  Why is balancing blood glucose important? What happens to our bodies when our glucose jumps too high? How we can lower our glucose, cholesterol & triglycerides naturally How we can manage our blood glucose levels through food, exercise and nutrition.  Specifically we will look at: Diet Chromium Gymnema Exercise  Cinnamon So join us today to find out how you can make a HUGE impact today by implementing small changes that will help you boost your energy, loose weight and prevent chronic disease.   ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ UPDATE* Angela is now accepting new clients, book an appointment by heading to  and use the book now button or by clic