Building Utah

Speaking on Business: WHOlives



This is Derek Miller, Speaking on Business. WHOlives is a nonprofit organization with a goal described by the acronym ‘W-H-O’ – providing clean Water, better Health and economic Opportunities to all people while prioritizing sustainability and self-reliance. Founder and Executive Director John Renouard joins us with more. John Renouard: So in 2010, I was on vacation in Africa when I saw these young girls missing school because they were forced to walk miles to fetch water for their families. I knew I had to do something, so I created the non-profit WHOlives. For 10 months I worked with local engineering students to create a human-powered water drill. Our Village Drill has now completed nearly 15,000 wells worldwide, empowering over 14 million people. Today, WHOlives is excited about our newest innovation, the Village Drill Hybrid, an electric drill that’s even stronger and drills faster! But we now have way more requests for water than we have funds, so WHOlives is looking for businesses and even indivi