Got Clutter? Get Organized! With Janet

Conquering Clutter Strategies From Expert Professional Organizer Geralin Thomas



Have you decided this is the year that you get organized? Are you looking for practical expert advice to get started? Tune in to my conversation with Professional Organizer, Geralin Thomas, Metropolitan Organizing as we discuss: · Where does clutter come from · Suggested strategies on letting go · How she stays organized · And more Professional organizer, Geralin Thomas, founder of Metropolitan Organizing, has been organizing her entire life; some say she’s a naturally-organized-professional-organizer. For 19 years she’s helped people around the world get organized and perfect the process of being more productive so they can pursue their passions. Geralin enjoys assisting her clients in understanding their acquiring and discarding patterns. She’s had a variety of clients with different challenges. You may have seen Geralin on the Emmy nominated show, Hoarders, where she worked in some of America’s most cluttered homes. She’s been featured on TV shows, interviewed in national publications, and TV comme