Got Clutter? Get Organized! With Janet

Spring Clean Your Home Office with Stacey Flood



The receipts, the tax paperwork, personal files and work files are you tired of an unorganized home office? Tune in as fellow professional organizer Stacey Flood shares strategies to Spring Clean Your Office. Discover… · The things that really clutter our office · How we can keep our offices organized · Ways Stacey maintains order in her office · And more Stacey Flood wears two hats. She is a professional organizer AND a HR professional.  She loves helping people and making systems run and operate smoothly.  Stacey says that her two "jobs" are a perfect marriage.  She has two mottos, and they are "Everything has a space and a place" and " Don't work harder, work smarter". Stacey has always had an eye for order and she likes things neat and tidy. She cannot function well in chaos and clutter, as it causes her not to be at her best. She finds it therapeutic to organize and declutter.  What really makes her happy is showing others how simple it can be to organize and bring order to their space. This episo