Got Clutter? Get Organized! With Janet

Managing Your Energy To Be More Productive with Jeni Raitsin



Do you work hard but feel like you have not accomplished anything both and work and home? Do you have a hard time staying focused? Tune in as Jeni Raitsin, shares strategies for us to master our energy. Tune in and… * Understand the why behind feeling like you have not accomplished anything but work hard * Discover strategies to help you stay focused * Learn how Jeni stays focused * And More Jeni Raitsin Productivity Coach, Mental Fitness trainer and speaker on a mission to redefine productivity outside of the hustle culture and help people innovate the way they cultivate happiness and growth. In other words, she helps people go from Grind to Groove. Her work is the intersection between productivity and wellbeing - combining practical time and energy management strategies, cognitive and positive psychology, performance science, and modern-day mindfulness intentionally designed to help people thrive without sacrificing their health or happiness. This episode’s product suggestion are Ergonomic products for