Got Clutter? Get Organized! With Janet

The Organized Garage with Kimberly Hairston Neal, The Modern Steward



When you look in the garage do you want to close the door? Do you get overwhelmed at the thought of tackling the garage project? Tune in as Kimberly Hairston Neal, The Modern Steward shares strategies to tackle that garage organizing project. Learn: · What items we have stored in the garage that we need to toss? · How to get started on your organizing project · How she stays organized · And more Kimberly and her husband Larry are the owners of The Modern Steward Larry is a licensed contractor, specializing in the installation of our custom systems and the electrical field. He took the leap of faith and became a business owner in 2013 It took Kimberly a total of six months to transition. She started offering PA services (personal assistant) on a limited basis in January of 2014. As local business picked up and FAST! Professional Organizing services were added at the demand and constant request from our clients. Kimberly officially resigned from my 9 to 5 in July 2014. And little by little we niched out a life