Got Clutter? Get Organized! With Janet

Clearing The Cluttered Desk with Rashelle Isip, The Order Expert



This month we celebrate Clean Off Your Desk Day! Are you ready to tackle the clutter on your desk? If so, this episode is for you. Rashelle Isip, The Order Expert, will share her expertise on how to clear your desk and get organized. Rashelle will discuss what inspired her to become a business coach and share insights on why our desks become cluttered in the first place. She'll also offer some practical strategies for organizing your desk and maintaining your newfound organization. Plus, find out how Rashelle stays organized in her own life. If you're ready to get your desk in order, tune in now! Connect with Rashelle Isip: Magic Mind: Discount Code: CLUTTER20 Register Today for Jumpstart 2023 Organized! Click this link Organizing Resources: Organize & Protect Important Document