Got Clutter? Get Organized! With Janet

The Cost of Clutter with Geralin Thomas, Metropolitan Organizing



Are you looking to save money and get organized in the new year? Our guest Geralin Thomas, of Metropolitan Organizing, can help you do just that. Geralin will discuss the real cost of clutter and offer strategies for saving money and staying organized. She'll share her experience working on the show Hoarders and share tips on how to stay focused and avoid getting overwhelmed. Geralin will also offer practical advice for organizing your space and maintaining your newfound organization. Plus, find out how Geralin stays organized in her own life. If you're ready to take control of your finances and declutter your space, tune in now! Connect with Geralin Thomas: Register Today for Jumpstart 2023 Organized! Click this link Organizing Resources: Organize & Protect Important Documents: