Got Clutter? Get Organized! With Janet

Harmony in Motion: Mastering Time Management and the Art of Balancing Family and Work with Marisa Lonic, Mama Work It, Podcast



Join me and Marisa Lonic, a certified intuitive life & business coach, keynote speaker, and founder of Mama Work It, as she dives into the world of time management and the art of balancing family and work. In this episode, Marisa shares her expertise and insights to help women navigate the challenges of juggling multiple roles. Tune in to hear Marisa's personal journey and discover practical tips, strategies, and mindset shifts to achieve a harmonious blend of family and work life. From discussing the motivation behind starting her podcast, Mama Work It, to exploring the common struggles women face in managing family and work, Marisa delves into the heart of the matter. As the back-to-school routine resumes, she also provides valuable advice on how women can effectively balance their family and work responsibilities. Don't miss out on this empowering podcast filled with wisdom and actionable steps. Plus, Marisa reveals her secrets on staying organized and maintaining a sense of control amidst the chaos. Get