Got Clutter? Get Organized! With Janet

Unstoppable Minds: ADHD Momprenuers & Back to School with Christy Lingo, ADHD Momprenuer



Join me and Christy Lingo, ADHD Momprenuer  where we explore the unique challenges and triumphs of balancing a business and family life while living with ADHD. As an expert in the field, Christy dives deep into the world of Momprenuers with ADHD, providing practical insights, strategies, and support for navigating the complexities of managing a business and family. Join Christy as she shares her personal experiences and motivations for focusing on this specific group of individuals. In each episode, she addresses the challenges Momprenuers face during the back-to-school routine and offers valuable advice on overcoming these hurdles. Discover effective strategies and practical tips to help Momprenuers with ADHD thrive during this transition period. From optimizing time management to developing organization techniques, Christy covers it all. Gain valuable insights into how she organizes her own day and maintains productivity amidst the demands of both business and family. Tune in to this empowering podcast and