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Thriving Beyond Challenges: Christy Lingo's Breast Cancer Journey



Welcome to a poignant episode of "Thriving Beyond Challenges," where we are honored to host Christy Lingo, the ADHD Mompreneur specializing in guiding business-owning mothers with ADHD through the intricate terrain of entrepreneurship while maintaining the delicate balance of family life. Christy's narrative is one of resilience, fortitude, and metamorphosis, encompassing not only her triumphant business ventures but also her victorious battle against breast cancer. Christy's journey through breast cancer diagnosis and treatment is an embodiment of courage and unwavering determination. She candidly shares the hurdles she confronted, the pivotal decisions she undertook, and the unshakeable willpower that guided her through the journey. Christy's open and genuine account resonates as a beacon of optimism for those grappling with similar trials. Navigating the emotional and psychological dimensions of a breast cancer journey is integral to the process. Christy delves into her strategies for navigating a spectrum