

Have you ever noticed that the heroes we most admire—in the books we read and in the films we watch—always combine the paradoxical traits of grit and grace?   And the paradox of those traits is important. It’s easy to be strong and grow hard and calloused. It’s easy to be sensitive and grow soft and battered. In other words, choosing one side of the paradox is the usual course of things. But to put both sides of the paradox together, therein lies true heroism.   In chapter eight of the Gospel of Luke, we find Jesus embodying this kind of paradoxical heroism. Not only is He mighty and strong, but He is also tender and compassionate, full of mercy and care.   Let's walk slowly through these three stories, each of them in the care of Jesus. A Distraught Father A Desperate Woman A Devastated Child   1. A Distraught Father (Luke 8:40–42) Jesus hears our heart’s cry. Our Triune God is quick to respond to our heart’s cries with deep compassion. Won’t you bring your heart’s cry to Jesus?   2.