Feast Of Fun : Gay Talk Show

FOF #1897 – Mateo Lane's Million Dollar Body Parts



Everyone knows insurance is a huge racket. You pay money over the years and when you need it, the company figures out a way of weaseling out on making good on your claim.Some celebrities have more disposable cash than common sense, so they have insured their asses to protect their assets.Today the hilarious Matteo Lane joins us to pick through the random body parts celebrities get insured for millions and billions of dollars.Mariah Carey’s legs are insured for one billion dollars, and I can’t even afford health insurance. The tampon alone for that costs $10k.MATTEO LANE: https://twitter.com/MatteoLanePlus–➤ Lady Gaga lashes out against Madonna and Perez Hilton on the Howard Stern Show, saying all this hate is stemming from the fact that Madonna is mad that Gaga doesn’t care about what she has to say about her.➤ Gaga also says she’s open to the idea of a three way with her hunky boyfriend Taylor Kinney.➤ A man mysteriously dies after opening a box labeled Pandora.➤ HIV positive people can now donate their orga