David Hathaway

Live our lives in the Power of the Holy Spirit / Acts Bible Study (Part 9) / Chapter 3



The Acts of the Apostles is the story of what men did in the Name of Jesus through the Power of the Holy Spirit. It reveals how the Church should be today; we should be experiencing all the things we read about in the Acts of the Apostles – and greater! Christ’s last words in Mark 16 were, “Go out, preach the Gospel… These signs will follow those who believe, they will lay hands on the sick and they shall be healed…” When we receive the Holy Spirit, we receive Power from God. But that Power needs to be demonstrated! I sense that much of the Church today is not searching for nor seeking the real demonstration of the Power of the Holy Spirit. I would question, what change has the Holy Spirit made in your life?  In these very troublesome times – war in Ukraine, in Israel, worldwide turmoil and unrest – let me remind you that at the very moment of this miracle, when Peter is preaching Christ and the Resurrection, he says, v21, Jesus HAD to be taken into Heaven ‘for a time’. But then, when that time is fulfilled,