Jenn Taylor #rerouting

Lawyer To Family Travel Company, Parenting a 2nd Baby During Covid & Cleft Lip Surgery - Lee Friedman S6 E92



- I am a mom of two kids, ages 7 and 3 at the time of the podcast  - For me, one of the hardest parenting transitions was maintaining a sense of self as a working parent, and finding time for the things important to me.  Travel was always a big one.  - Before kids, travel was how I stayed grounded and inspired and connected to my dreams and life goals. It was how I reduced stress, and cleared my head.   - Traveling with kids can be harder, full of chaos -- but I learned it can do the same thing.   - After my youngest had surgery on his cleft lip at 8 months old, during COVID, we were exhausted.  We took an incredible family trip together and really reconnected, and came back with more energy and enthusiasm for life.  - After that trip, I decided to pivot from my career as a lawyer to launch a family travel company.   My goal is to encourage parents who value travel to keep taking those trips with kids -- and to help them do it  in a way THEY enjoy too.  It doesn't have to be all about the kids. It can be