Somehow Related With Dave O'neil & Glenn Robbins

Tabasco Sauce and The US Civil War



The hot sauce that shares Her Majesty's condiment rack with other royal favourites and a bloody war fought between neighbours.Sauce and soldiers... Soldiers and sauce... Related somehow... Somehow related... Glenn has been surfing before. That's on YouTube.Matthew McConoughay is an actor mentioned by Glenn, yes. He was also in The Free State of Jones. Not the last state or town to be named after a Jones, if you think about it.  The thinking music, Dear Sarah, from Ken Burns' doco The Civil War. If you like a spoiler or you've made it to the end, click HERE   More information from the 'sauce'.  Somehow Related is produced by Nearly, a podcast network.The robot's voice comes from Google Home. They're pretty good.Original theme music by Kit Warhurst.Artwork created by Stacy Gougoulis. Find a new podcast!The Clappers - Pop culture insights with Karl Quinn and Andrew YoungThe Debrief with Dave O'Neil - Dave gives a comedian a lift home from a gig.10 Questions with Adam Zwar - The same 10 questions with answers tha