Ozark Highlands Radio

OHR Presents: Adam Fudge & Friends



This week, an accidental masterpiece performance featuring three finger bluegrass banjo Jedi and Ozark original Adam Fudge & friends recorded live at the Ozark Folk Center State Park. Once in a while, when things don’t go as planned, something happens that’s unexpectedly great. To quote famed artist Bob Ross, a “happy accident.” One such happy accident occurred on Saturday of the Ozark Folk Center’s 2023 bluegrass festival when, due to illness, banjo player Adam Fudge had to scramble to find musicians to help him with his set. In desperation, Adam and his brother, bassist Shane Fudge, recruited three local teenagers and staged an impromptu jam session. What followed, turned out to be one of the most exciting and energetic bluegrass performances ever heard at the Ozark Folk Center State Park. Born and raised in the rich musical culture of the Ozarks, Adam Fudge has followed the legacy of his native mountain music with tenacity and a deep love for the traditional. Adam is a talented singer and guitarist