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Facebook Sold User Info To Netflix for $100 Million



In this explosive clip of Market Mondays, hosts Rashad Bilal, Ian Dunlap, and Troy Millings dive into the allegations of a secret agreement between Netflix and Facebook. This controversial deal allegedly allowed Netflix to access private user conversations from Facebook's Messenger for a hefty sum. The hosts dissect the lawsuit details, how it prompted Facebook to axe its Watch feature, and the broader implications for data privacy and competition in tech.They don't just stop there – the conversation gets heated as the trio discusses how the case is a stark reminder that in the digital age, personal data is oftentimes traded as a commodity. The sheer value of data is equated to the new oil, with comparisons drawn to TSA and companies like Clear collecting biometric data.As the discussion shifts back to business, our hosts use the case to emphasize the power of strategic partnerships and advertising, highlighting how important it is for entrepreneurs to utilize data legally and ethically to boost their