Peter Anthony Holder's "stuph File"

#0765: Drew Moerlein; Gretchen McCullough; & Stuart Nulman



The Stuph File Program Featuring actor Drew Moerlein; Gretchen McCullough, author of Shahrazad’s Gift; & Stuart Nulman with Book Banter Download Actor Drew Moerlein has, not only a new horror film coming out this month called Bloodline Killer, he’s also part of a hush-hush cinematic video game coming out next year within the Marvel Universe called Marvel’s 1943: Rise Of Hydra. Gretchen McCullough is the author of a collection of short stories, called Shahrazad’s Gift, that center around an apartment complex in Cairo. Stuart Nulman with another edition of Book Banter. This week’s reviewed title is The Dead of Winter by Jean Rabe (Boone Street Press, $15.95). You can also read Stuart’s reviews in The Montreal Times. This week’s guest slate is presented by by Yogi Akal, who is a speaker, activist, teacher, counsellor, healer & numerologist.