Mark Levin Audio Rewind

Mark Levin Audio Rewind - 4/9/24



On Tuesday’s Mark Levin Show, the Democrat party refuses to condemn the Islamist mindset spreading throughout our country from one no-go zone to another. People are pouring into this country with no assimilation and come here to hate America and Israel and promote the destruction of Israel. An 18-year-old with connections to ISIS was arrested in Idaho with plans to attack churches, which is part of the new norm thanks to Biden’s open border and George Soros prosecutors that release violent criminals. Also, an appellate judge ruled that the case brought by Alvin Bragg, a case that never should have been brought and was turned down three times before Bragg, should continue to move forward and Donald Trump will have to appear before another judge and jury. Biden and the Democrat media are interfering in the election and tilting the scales by weaponizing the justice system. Next, the Democrat party and the Biden Administration stand for infanticide and no restrictions on abortion because they are a cult of death