Mark Levin Audio Rewind

Mark Levin Audio Rewind - 4/3/24



On Wednesday’s Mark Levin Show, the national debt in the United States is on an unsustainable course under the Biden Administration, which will lead to inflation, stagnation, and a depression. Our debt is currently at $33 trillion and rising because the establishment politicians in Washington spend like drunken Marxists. We had a taste of economic collapse during the pandemic, and when we have a full-blown depression, we will lose our civil society. Also, the Democrat party will sell its soul for votes, and they are supporting the pro-Hamas protesters, urging them to vote for President Biden because they are an anti-Semitic party. Meanwhile, they have a corrupt DOJ and special counsel that is destroying Donald Trump’s due process rights and interfering in the presidential election. The legal system is no longer a justice system and is instead being used to destroy justice, equal protection, and due process. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit