Ashley And Brad Show

Ashley and Brad Show - ABS 2024-4-3



news birthdays/events what gets you choked up? word of the day news game: shakespeare tv guide listing made up terms that we all use (google as a verb) swimsuit season is almost here...what's your go to swimwear choice? news game: star trek quiz what's the most boring thing you do in a can you make it less boring? what was your latest "when did this happen" in regards to your body/aging? news game: just under $1,000 pyramid how do you handle mess ups/accidents at a restaurant (or anywhere frankly) goodbye/fun facts....National Film Score Day honors and recognizes the talented composers who have elevated the attraction of a movie. Film scores are usually music without vocals....and movies just would be the same without them. is it the same as a soundtrack to a difference is that the score is original music that is specific to the film. In contrast, a soundtrack is a collection of carefully chosen songs to be included in the movie...but why April 3rd? Miklós Rózsa, the legendary compo