The Food Seen

Episode 397: Lazarus Lynch, Son of a Southern Chef



On today’s episode of THE FOOD SEEN, Lazarus Lynch, may have started Son of a Southern Chef as a living relic to his late father’s fish fry restaurant in Queens, but it somehow morphed into a fabulous modern soul food bible. The product of Alabama roots and a Guyanese mom, Lynch is an amalgam of his upbringing, yet a character all his own! A graduate of New York City’s Food and Finance High School, Lynch took his culinary comprehension to create an awareness that reaches far past food; into fashion, music, the queer community. That said, his a strong presence on screen (Food Network’s Comfort Nation) and social media delivers a common message: #makeitgravy, which is truly all-encompassing, like Lynch himself. It's HRN's annual summer fund drive, this is when we turn to our listeners and ask that you make a donation to help ensure a bright future for food radio. Help us keep broadcasting the most thought provoking, entertaining, and educational conversations happening in the world of food and beverage. Become