The Food Seen

Episode 404: Evan Funke, American Sfoglino



On today’s episode of THE FOOD SEEN, Evan Funke wants to be the best pasta maker in America, so it’s by no mistake that his cookbook is called: American Sfoglino. Funke found his way in Bologna, Italy, apprenticing at La Vecchia Scuola Bolognese, who’s doctrine he still abides by stateside. At Felix (Trattoria) in Los Angeles, Funke’s pasta making is a study of shape; not reshaping what pasta is, but rather, refining it. Whether it’s the smallest of bellybuttons for tortellos (tortellini, balanzoni, tortelli), or the delicate purse known as cestini, Funke teaches four master doughs that pave the way for all tutti la pasta fatta in casa.Join Heritage Radio Network on Monday, November 11th, for a raucous feast to toast a decade of food radio. Our tenth anniversary bacchanal is a rare gathering of your favorite chefs, mixologists, storytellers, thought leaders, and culinary masterminds. We’ll salute the inductees of the newly minted HRN Hall of Fame, who embody our mission to further equity, sustainability, and